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Education Program

In-Person Education Program


Our in-person education program is back! Come to the museum on a field trip and experience learning materials, crafts, and games that teach children about our sugar plantation heritage.

Educational Materials


Explore our collection of videos, slideshows, and activities to expand your knowledge of the history of sugar on Maui

Virtual Education Program


Although we have returned to in-person visits, we still have portable, virtual program kits to lend.  These kits are filled with learning materials, crafts and games that teach children about our sugar plantation heritage. Perfect for Home Schooling, Mommy Groups, or small classroom settings.

Using hands-on activities and a guided gallery tour, the Sugar Museum’s education program is a standards-based initiative, where students learn about the history of the sugar industry and plantation life on Maui, and how it has shaped its people and landscape.

Since it's beginning in 1990, we have served over 56,000 students.

Portions of the Education Program are funded by a generous grant from Alexander & Baldwin.

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