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We Need Your Support!

The Sugar Museum couldn't do our important work without the help of our community.

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The Sugar Museum has contributed to its own support through a combination of resources including admission fees, gift shop sales, grants, and donations. Its work of preserving and presenting Maui’s sugar plantation heritage is best accomplished in partnership with the community. Your contribution to this effort is important and we welcome your participation! The Sugar Museum is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization. Our tax i.d. number is 99-0200210. 



Are you interested in or do you have a connection to Maui’s sugar history or plantation life? Are you a high school student who needs to fulfill volunteer hours for graduation? If so, we have a volunteer opportunity for you!

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Plant Your Legacy

The Plant Your Legacy Program allows individuals and groups to make donations in the form of personalized bricks or picnic tables to maintain and endow the care of the Sugar Museum and the Plantation Garden.

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