To preserve and present the history and heritage of the sugar industry and the multiethnic plantation life which it engendered.
To provide an enriching experience to those learning about the history of the sugar industry and understanding Hawaii’s plantation heritage and how it helped shape our current island society. To become a major visitor destination and community educational resource. To provide an outdoor space for the community with a venue for their cultural festivals as well as a gathering place for reunions and other social events.
Museum Director - Jill Pridemore
Assistant Director - Holly Buland
Front Desk and Shop Manager - Traci Kala
Education Coordinator - Liane Pasion
Board Members
President - Robert Stoner
Treasurer and Controller - Wil Cambra, Jr.
Vice President - Ken Ota
Secretary - Alyson Nakamura
Meredith J. Ching
Estefano Ferrari
James A. Gomes
Roger MacArthur
Grant Nakama
Maryanna G. Shaw-Stockolm
Douglas A. Sheehan
Darren Strand
Rick W. Volner, Jr.